Safe, Secure, Convenient
This is effective on 09/24/2022
Arizona is eliminating the need for a Notarization on your vehicle title.
ADOT has expanded to the eTitle process, and all titles can now be transferred from the Seller to the Buyer online.
If the Seller is requesting a notarization, it can still be done if the Seller has the paper Title version. But the DMV will also accept those without a notarization.
For an overview of the process go to;
No more paper
When you title or register a vehicle in Arizona, your title information is stored electronically, and you no longer automatically receive a paper title.
You can view your title information in your AZ MVD Now account.
When you pay off a vehicle loan, the title will be held electronically.
If a paper title is needed, for reasons such as moving out of state, you can use the Title Replacement service on AZ MVD Now. The fee is $4 as of this writing.
Requirements for eTitle Transfer include:
Arizona title and current Arizona registration
One owner to one owner
Passenger vehicles
Other requirement may apply

Updated 02/2023 - CompUstyle, Inc.